Climate Change Directorate
Abdulfatah Osman


Climate Change Directorate

The directorate’s responsibilities includes enhancing the adaptive capacities of the public and private sectors and local communities in Somali region to climate change impacts in ways that contribute to sustained green-growth. The directorate seeks to identify and scale up innovative solutions to adaptively manage climate-related risks, including droughts, floods and wild fires, through market-driven private sector and community engagement; strengthen central and/or local governance to address climate-related risks; and improve availability and access to high-quality information for decision-making to reduce vulnerability to climate change. There are three core pillars in which the directorate stands for

-Providing timely and accurate climate information for end users, particularly the pastoralists and farmers. It seeks to provide 10 days weather forecasting for decision making. The directorate runs a “climate information center” that is currently equipped with 2 high performance computers that helps to generate computer-based forecasting system. Five staffs are sent for long term capacity building as part of strengthening the center’s capacity to provide accurate information. 

-Promoting green technology in the region: in 2021, the directorate has initiated a pilot green-technology aiming at eradicating the ever-encroaching proposobis in Korrahay zone. After seeing the success of the project, it is now planning to upgrade in one additional zone

-R&D in climate change impacts and adaptation strategies that are sector specific. The directorate conducted several researches in the areas of vulnerability analysis. It is now planning to upgrade the larger regional program of plan to adapt to climate change. This program is aligned with the countries NAP and the HoA’s 2022-2030 Adaptation strategy

Climate Change Projects


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ILM Project in Tulli and Gursum Woreda

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Climate change Adaptation project in lowland

Climate change Adaptation project in lowland ecosystems of Ethiopia is a GEF-LDCF project and its objective is to promote climate change adaptation and sustainable economic growth among communities in…

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