EU Support Program

1.      Introduction

The federal commission of Environment, forest and climate Change has mandates for sustainable development, conservation and utilization of forest resources in the context of developing new forestry through afforestation and reforestation. Three are milestone polices and strategies including climate resilient green economic strategy; strategy of reducing emission from deforestation and land degradation;  first and second growth and transformation plan are leading and guiding plans for the implementation of forest sector development to increase the national GDP contribution of the forest sector. Moreover; in order to lead the forest sector in well planned manner there is a lead roadmap of national forestry sector programs with multi-component forestry development activities designed for ten years aimed to achieve middle-income status by 2025.

Besides; the commission is actively implementing  the international conventions of United Nations for Combating Desertification, land degradation and drought in addressing the issue of sustainable development goal-15; in this regard, Ethiopia is closely working with the international community in full filling the international commitment of the restoration of degraded land by taking active participation of restoring 22 million hectare of degraded land by 2030; through the designing of nine targets for the land degradation neutrality under the international  strategic frame work the united nations conventions. In order to meet the targets indicated in policies and strategies the resources mobilization from bilateral and multilateral agreements is crucial to design national programs and projects of sustainable forest management interventions to increase the forest sector development.

2.      Statement of Problem

The analyses of forest sector development problems  are indicated in the national documents of REED+ strategies and synthesis reports of the forest sector development programs which emanates from the broad and comprehensive understanding of the forest sector drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, ecosystem and environmental degradation, land degradation and  desertification, salinity and acidification of soils, biological, physical and chemical degradation of the land and loss of biodiversity of the territorial ecosystem.  Moreover; when forest or land is degraded it leads to desertification which reduces the loss of biodiversity; production and productivity of forest or agricultural return per unit area; loss of livelihoods, overall loss economic return of the land which ultimately leads to migration of people’s from the land.

Hence; participatory approach of bringing all stake holders on board with active participation of the community is key during in the problem analyses. It would be useful to clearly prioritizing the facts on the ground to address the community problem in the designing appropriate project which would bring economic, social and environmental impacts in reversing the land degradation and restoration of the ecosystem. There is also prime aspect of the problem analyses to be lobbied by the implementing institution from the perspectives of policy, strategy of forest, environmental outlook of designing feasible and appropriate project from detail analyses of the problem statement that benefits community in the context of economic, social and environmental aspects for building resilience of degraded landscape and ecosystem and carbon sequestration. In particular the restoration of degraded land with reforestation and afforestation and participatory forest management becomes useful intervention for the project areas to be included in European Union budget support.

3.      Project Stakeholder

There are several stake holders which are going to be involved in the process of project designing, implementation and evaluation phases with the implementing agencies, the leading is commission of environment forestry and climate change, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, National plan commission, the civic society organization, international organization and NGO including GIZ, FAO, UNDP and European Union are the lead stake holders; While the international donors include Norwegian and Sweden government, from local NGO’s Church aid organizations working in restoration activities including; The local community are rural youth, women and small land holders as direct beneficiaries of the program which exists in the regions.  The participatory approaches of including all stake holders are involved in setting the project designing process with the support of European Union budget. 

4.      Specific Objective

In comprehensive framework of project cycle management, the selection and prioritization of the general and specific objectives is crucial step which are technically indicated as project purpose that should be geared as means and ends of addressing statement of the community identified problems from the social, economic and environmental context.

All stake holders including the community members should make participatory analyses of the project purpose/outcome and specific objectives of the project components from the institutional policy briefs, international commitment and the exiting cross cutting issues of climate change, gender and land use planning of the nation and regional institutional mandates.   Hence, the means to end up in the solving of the problem analyzed through participatory process design the project overall purpose as an outcome from social, economic and environmental services perspectives and the specific objectives of the project with the prioritized components need to be articulated which bring about physical indicators in reference to the baseline situation of the degraded ecosystem.  Hence; the project components and outputs are going to be fully outlined in the process of full proposal development when the EU fund is secured.

5.      Components and project area

The project main components are: -The area enclosure of 4000 ha and Reforestation /afforestation of 25000ha include PFM in the9 regional States and 2 City Administration. The Regions and City Administrations and their corresponding implementing woredas are stated as follows two:-(woredas), Somali region  harorays and gursum

5.1. Component-one:-forestry development support (70%) of the budget direct budget support through channels one.

Impact-1 is carbon sequestration and increase the carbon stock

  • Out pout-1:Nursery establishment
  • Output-2 : Capacity building ( GIS training and Technical assistance equipment’s)

5.1.3 Out put3-3:  PFM related Livelihood improvement options (apiculture, vegetable production inputs)

  • Component-two: Strengthen Institutional and Stake holder Coordination ( 18 % of the budget) It includes Federal, regional and Civic based organization

Impact-2 is awareness of the stakeholders and joint coordination platform is enhanced

  • Output-1- Joint platform for Monitoring and evaluation of Restoration Indicators
  • Output-2 Building Private-public partnership (Sensitization workshops for decision makers, elected representatives, media and Civil Society Organization (CSOs))
  • Component-Three Capacity building and Knowledge management (12% of the budget)

Impact-3  the knowledge at all level is enhanced

  • Output-1: Short term training for (  wereda, zone and regional experts)
  • Output-2: long term training ( Federal and regional experts)

Table1. Components and output indicators and means of verifications

Component 1-

Woreda forestry development support

Objectively verifying indicators

Means of verification

Output -1

Area enclosure and Participatory A forestation and Reforestation

500 ha area are enclosed for rehabilitation and 500 ha areas are covered with A/R


 Nursery establishment and management

Number of nursery established and  raise tree seedlings

Mid-term and annual monitoring and evaluation system established

Output -3:

woreda supported with technical assistance and capacity building development

(GIS and Remote sensing Equipment and IT facilities)

Number of material purchased for woredas

Number of trained man power on GIS and Remote sensing.

Output- 4

Participatory forest management is in place in Woredas to enforces forest and ecosystem protection and Alternative Livelihoods to Support Forest Communities

Number of participatory forest management groups (with youth, women and minorities among members)

Number of people benefited from sustainable and climate resilient livelihood options (disaggregated by gender and youth)

Mid-term and annual monitoring and evaluation system established


Component 2-

Coordination and institutional strengthening among PPT at federal, regional and woreda level

Objectively verifying indicators

Means of verification

Output- 1

Joint plat form of monitoring and evaluation system

Number of  established joint plat form

The government is able to apply bestForest resource monitoring tools based on participatory techniques.

Mid-term and annual monitoring and evaluation system established


 Sanitization workshop and training for decision makers,

Number of participant participating in workshop and training

Mid-term and annual monitoring and evaluation system established

Component 3-

Capacity and knowledge are enhanced at all level for sustainable forest management and land restoration

Objectively verifying indicators

Means of verification

Output -1

Short and medium term training

Numbers of woreda and zonal experts received short and medium term training.

Mid-term and annual monitoring and evaluation system established


 Long term training

Numbers of EFD  and Regional experts received long term training.

Mid-term and annual monitoring and evaluation system established

Categories: Projects

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