S.R.S. EPRLAB Forest Directorate.
Hibo Nour


Forest Development Directorate

The primary objective of the directorate is providing social and ecological benefits by rehabilitating degraded areas, sustaining and developing the region’s forest resources and increase forest production and productivity and contribute to national and global development by resisting the effects of climate change. To meet this objective, the directorate has established a world class level nursery site in which seedlings are produced and distributed to the wider regions in the Horn of Africa. The directors intends to develop commercial forestry in the region in the near future. 

Major Activities and Sub-activities

  • Afforestation, Reforestation and Enhancing Sustainable Forest Management
  • Forest Development, Conservation, Utilization and Protection
  • Seedling production, Plantation and Distribution.
  • Establishment Of Nursery Sites
  • Capacity building on forest protection, management and utilization.
Shuruudaha Dhir-beerista Dawladda Deegaanka Soomaalida
The Requirements For Plantations In Somali Regional State
  1. In goobaha dhirta laga beerayo lagasoo qaado GPS iyadoo la raacayo qodobadan hoose
  • Waa in loo xil-saaro Khabiir si fiican u garanaya khibradna u leh GPS ka
  • Waa in uu khabiirku toos u dhex tago goobta loo cayimay in wax laga beero.
  • Waa in Coordinate-ka (GPS) ugu yaraan 4-ta dhinac laga qaado.
  • Waa in uu khabiirku ka taxadaro Accuracy-ga GPS-ka ugu yaraan inuu noqdo +-3meters.
  • Waa in GPS ka lugu UTM adindan (in meters) la istacmaalo.

  1. In godadka la diyaariyo iyadoo la tixraacayo shuruudaha hoose
  • Ugu yaraan in godadka isu jiraan 2m
  • In godadka geedaha waaween ugu yaraan 70cm hoose iyo 40cm balac ah loo qodo.
  • In geedaha yar-yar ugu yaraan 40cm hoos iyo 30 balac ah loo qodo.

  1. In cidda dhir beerista fulineyso ay la yimaadaan warqad codsi taasoo warqada codsiga lugu cadeeyo
  • Cadadka dhirta loo baahanyahy
  • Gobolka
  • Degmada
  • Qabalaha ama
  • Magaca gaarka ee goobta dhirta laga beerayo
  • Cidda masuulka ka ah dhirta la beerayo
  • Balaca goobta wax laga beerayo

1.     The plantation sites should fill GPS coordinate in accordance with below criteria.

ü  It should be assigned to an expert who has good knowledge and experience in GPS

ü  The expert should go directly to the designated area for planting and take GPS.

ü  Coordinate (GPS) should be taken at least from the 4 angles to make polygon.

ü  The expert must take care of the GPS accuracy and at least to be +-3 meters.

ü  UTM Adin dan coordinates system should use (in meters).


2.     Prepare Plantation pits before request in reference to below conditions

ü  At least plantation pits should space 2m intervals.

ü  At least the plantation pits should be 70cm deep and 40cm base for large tree seedlings.

ü  At least the plantation pits should be 40cm deep and 30cm base for small tree seedlings.


3.     All organization/ person who want carry out the plantation should bring a letter of application with appearance of below information.

ü  Number of plants required to plant

ü  Zone

ü  District

ü  The owner or

ü  The specific name of plantation sites

ü  The responsible person or organization

ü  Area of plantation sites

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