Environmental and Social Performance Audit on Asphalt Roads


The Environmental and Social Audit Report provides information regarding environmental and social performance of POLY-GCL Petroleum Investment LTD and its general operation performance and their impacts on the community. The report covers key environmental and social concerns and issues raised by the community about past and present impacts caused by petroleum exploration, drilling and development process by giving emphasis on environmental and social performance of POLY-GCL Investment LTD.

Public and stakeholder consultation was conducted with Doboo Wayn and Elele Woreda Administrators and elders to collect data about the general environmental and socio-economic impact of petroleum exploration and development. Since petroleum exploration activities in the area were carried out by a number of international companies for more than 4 decades, most of the environmental and social impacts are cumulative which aggravated by present operations and there is a great environmental and social concern among the community of the area regarding loss of flora & fauna, land degradation, displacement and involuntary resettlement and community health and safety issues.

Therefore, a team of experts has prepared the environmental and social audit report from Somali Region Environmental protection and rural land administration Bureau accompanying with two district administration. The Report is based on finding of a site visit undertaken in early late September 2022 and review of relevant international, national and regional environmental administrative, legal and policy requirements.

Description & Nature of the Project

Poly GCL Petroleum Investments Limited, a Chinese oil and gas company, signed 5 PPSA (Petroleum Production Sharing Agreements) with the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum on November 16, 2013 to undertake petroleum exploration and development activities in 10 Blocks having an aerial coverage of 117,151 km2. (117,151,00 hectares) The PPSA include one

Development license in Calub and Hilala Blocks which the company appraised to proceed to development activity.

In this regard since 2014, Poly GCL has been conducting seismic exploration activity, since then up to now the company has acquired 663 KM23D seismic, 5,075Km 2D seismic, 62,480Km Gravity & Magnetic, 174Km TFEM data to study the area. Poly GCL drilled its first well in Sept 2015 known as Calub 11, since then the company has drilled a total of 16 wells ( 6 exploration wells, 8 appraisal wells and 2 production wells). In the newly drilled Poly GCL wells as well as the previous wells, the company has conducted well testing on 16 wells and production testing on 4 wells. With such exploration efforts, it has made additional natural gas discovery in Dohar area and it is currently being appraised.

    Categories: Projects

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